Top 5 Crypto APIs for 2024

Top 5 Crypto APIs for 2024

Welcome to our extensive analysis of the leading cryptocurrency APIs in the market! In this post, we delve deep into the performance, reliability, and efficiency of popular cryptocurrency data sources. Our focus is on a select group of APIs: CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, CoinCap, Mobula, and Moralis.

Why Benchmark Cryptocurrency APIs?

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, having access to timely, accurate, and reliable data is crucial. Whether you're a developer, investor, or enthusiast, the choice of API can significantly impact your decision-making process. That's where our benchmarking tool steps in, providing a systematic and thorough analysis of key players in the market.

Our Benchmarking Tool

Our custom-developed tool, accessible on GitHub, is designed to rigorously test and compare the performance of various cryptocurrency APIs. Here’s a breakdown of our comprehensive testing process:

1. Stress Testing

  • Objective: Assess the robustness and reliability of each API under high-load conditions.
  • Method: We simulate a high number of concurrent requests to each API, analyzing how well they handle increased traffic without compromising on performance.
  • Metrics Tracked: Total requests, successful responses, failed responses, and average response time.

2. Caching Behavior Analysis

  • Objective: Examine the caching strategies employed by each API, crucial for understanding real-time data delivery capabilities.
  • Method: We perform repeated requests within short intervals, noting changes in response data, particularly for dynamic values like Bitcoin and Ethereum prices.
  • Metrics Tracked: Time-stamped data points reflecting the frequency of data updates and caching efficiency.

3. Overall Performance Benchmarking

  • Objective: Evaluate the general performance of each API, focusing on response speed and data accuracy.
  • Method: We conduct a series of tests to measure response times, price accuracy, and the range of assets and blockchains covered by each API.
  • Metrics Tracked: Response time, data accuracy, and scope of cryptocurrency data provided.

For those interested in replicating our tests or conducting their own, here's how you can get started:

In the following sections, we will individually explore each API, presenting our findings and insights.

Need a custom solution for your project? Mobula is dedicated to meeting your needs swiftly and ensuring the blockchain data or the endpoint you require is available within 24 hours.

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API Success Rate for Simultaneous Requests Response Time (ms) Assets Covered Blockchains Covered Caching Behavior Pricing Plans & Features
Mobula 100% (20/20) 199 15,573 28 No Caching (Real-time data) Free Tier: Free; 300,000 credits/month; 24/7 support
Start-up: $40/month; 1,500,000 credits/month
Growth: $350/month; 5,000,000 credits/month
Enterprise: Starting from $600/month; Unlimited credits
Moralis 0% (0/20) 769 Not specified 15 No data Free Tier: Free; Moralis APIs; Community support
Pro: $70/month; More requests; Higher throughput
Business: $70/month; More requests; Dedicated manager
Coinlayer 0% (0/20) 490 387 Not specified Delayed data updates Free Tier: Free; 1,000 requests/month
Basic: $9.99/month; 5,000 requests/month
Professional: $39.99/month; 30,000 requests/month; 10-min updates
CoinGecko 25% (5/20) 140 11,637 186 Less frequent real-time updates Analyst: $129/month; 500k credits/month
Lite: $499/month; 2 million credits/month
Pro: $999/month; 5 million credits/month
Enterprise: Custom pricing
CoinMarketCap 100% (20/20) 950 8,913 Listed assets only Non-real-time data Basic: Free; 10,000 credits/month
Hobbyist: $35/month; 110,000 credits/month
Startup: $95/month; 300,000 credits/month
Standard: $375/month; 1.2 million credits
CoinCap 100% (20/20) 116 1,000 Not specified Less frequent real-time updates Free Tier (No API Key): Free; 200 requests/min; 11 years history
Free Tier (API Key): Free; 500 requests/min; 11 years history

Mobula API


Mobula provides curated datasets for builders: market data with Octopus, wallets data, metadata with Metacore, alongside with REST, GraphSQL & SQL interfaces to query them.You can get started playing around with the API endpoints for free, and sign-up to the API dashboard once you need API keys (queries without API keys aren’t production-ready). Get in touch with the team if you have questions, ideas, feedbacks or needs.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 20
  • Failed Responses: 0

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: 15573
  • Blockchains Covered: 28
  • Response Time: 199 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: No Caching observed, provides real-time data.

Pricing Details

Free Tier:

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • 300,000 credits/month
    • 24/7 support
    • No rate limit


  • Monthly Price: $40 per month
  • Features:
    • 1,500,000 credits/month
    • 24/7 support
    • No rate limit


  • Monthly Price: $350 per month
  • Annual Price: $300 per month
  • Features:
    • 5,000,000 credits/month
    • 24/7 support
    • No rate limit


  • Monthly Price: starting from $600 per month
  • Features:
    • Unlimited credits/month
    • 24/7 support
    • No rate limit
    • Custom endpoints
    • 99.9% SLA

Moralis API


Moralis API provides instant access to cross-chain blockchain data, catering to a wide range of applications from NFTs to wallet information.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 0
  • Failed Responses: 20

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: Not specified
  • Blockchains Covered: 15
  • Response Time: 769 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: no data

Pricing Details

Free Tier:

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • Moralis APIs
    • Web3 Authentication
    • Moralis Streams
    • Stream Internal Transaction
    • Community Support


  • Monthly Price: $70 per month
  • Annual Price: $49 per month
  • Features:
    • Everything in Free Tier
    • More Requests
    • Higher Throughput
    • Stream more records
    • Automatic retries for Stream
    • Premium endpoints


  • Monthly Price: $70 per month
  • Annual Price: $49 per month
  • Features:
    • Everything in Pro
    • Even More Requests
    • Even Higher Throughput
    • Stream All Addresses
    • More Automatic retries, Replays, and longer retention for Streams
    • Dedicated Account Manager


  • Price: Custom - Annual Billing
  • Features:
    • Everything in Business
    • Custom Limits
    • SLAs
    • Premium Onboarding and Support
    • 100% Delivery Guarantee for Streams

Coinlayer API


The Coinlayer API is designed with performance, ease of use, and consistency in mind. It provides straightforward RESTful requests and responses, complemented by extensive API documentation and integration guides.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 0
  • Failed Responses: 20

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: 387
  • Blockchains Covered: Not specified
  • Response Time: 490 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: Observed, suggesting delayed data updates with improved response times.

Pricing Details

Free Tier:

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • 1000 requests per month
    • No Support
    • Hourly Updates
    • Historical Data
    • USD Target Currency


  • Monthly Price: $9.99 per month
  • Annual Price: $107 .99
  • Features:
    • 5,000 requests per month
    • Additional requests: $0.0023976 each
    • Standard Support
    • Hourly Updates
    • Historical Data
    • All Target Currencies
    • Extended Results
    • SSL Encryption
    • Conversion Endpoint


  • Monthly Price: $39.99 per month
  • Annual Price: $419 .99
  • Features:
    • 30,000 requests per month
    • Additional requests: $0.0015996 each
    • Standard Support
    • 10-Minute Updates
    • Historical Data
    • All Target Currencies
    • Extended Results
    • SSL Encryption
    • Conversion Endpoint
    • Time-Frame Endpoint

Professional Plus:

  • Monthly Price: $79.99 per month
  • Annual Price: $815 .99
  • Features:
    • 100,000 requests per month
    • Additional requests: $0.00095988 each
    • Standard Support
    • 60-Second Updates
    • Historical Data
    • All Target Currencies
    • Extended Results
    • SSL Encryption
    • Conversion Endpoint
    • Time-Frame Endpoint
    • Change Data


  • Pricing: Volume Pricing
  • Features:
    • Volume Requests per month
    • 60-Second Updates
    • Historical Data
    • All Target Currencies
    • Extended Results
    • SSL Encryption
    • Conversion Endpoint
    • Time-Frame Endpoint
    • Change Data
    • Custom Solutions

CoinGecko API


CoinGecko API provides crypto data through RESTful JSON endpoints, including price feeds, market data, and historical data of various assets.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 5
  • Failed Responses: 15

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: 11637
  • Blockchains Covered: 186
  • Response Time: 140 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: Observed, indicating less frequent real-time updates in exchange for quicker response times.

Pricing Details


  • Monthly Price: $129 per month
  • Annual Price: $103 per month (billed yearly)
  • Features:
    • 500k call credits per month
    • 500 rate limit per minute
    • 40+ market data endpoints
    • Exclusive data endpoints
    • 10 years historical data
    • Priority email support


  • Monthly Price: $499 per month
  • Annual Price: $399 per month (billed yearly)
  • Features:
    • 2 million call credits per month
    • 500 rate limit per minute
    • 40+ market data endpoints
    • Exclusive data endpoints
    • 10 years historical data
    • Priority email support


  • Monthly Price: $999 per month
  • Annual Price: $799 per month (billed yearly)
  • Features:
    • 5 million call credits per month
    • 1000 rate limit per minute
    • 40+ market data endpoints
    • Exclusive data endpoints
    • 10 years historical data
    • Priority email support


  • Pricing: Inquire for pricing
  • Features:
    • Custom call credits
    • Custom rate limit per minute
    • 50 market data endpoints
    • Exclusive data endpoints
    • 10 years historical data
    • Enterprise-plan only endpoints
    • 99.9% uptime SLA
    • Priority email & slack chat support

CoinMarketCap API


CoinMarketCap API offers a wide range of data endpoints, catering to the needs of various users. It's known for its extensive database and easy-to-use interface.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 20
  • Failed Responses: 0

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: 8913
  • Blockchains Covered: Only listed assets on their platform
  • Response Time: 950 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: Observed, implying non-real-time data but more efficient response times.

Pricing Details


  • Pricing: Free
  • Features:
    • 9 latest market data endpoints
    • 10,000 call credits per month
    • No historical data
    • Personal use


  • Monthly Price: $35 per month
  • Annual Price: $29 per month
  • Features:
    • 9 latest market data endpoints
    • 110,000 call credits per month
    • 12 months of historical data
    • Personal use


  • Monthly Price: $95 per month
  • Annual Price: $79 per month
  • Features:
    • 14 latest market data endpoints
    • 300,000 call credits per month
    • 24 months of historical data
    • Commercial use


  • Monthly Price: $375 per month
  • Annual Price: $299 per month
  • Features:
    • All market data endpoints
    • 1,200,000 call credits per month
    • 60 months of historical data
    • Commercial use


  • Monthly Price: $875 per month
  • Annual Price: $699 per month
  • Features:
    • All market data endpoints
    • 3 million call credits per month
    • All-time historical data
    • Commercial use*


  • Pricing: Inquire for pricing
  • Features:
    • All market data endpoints
    • Custom call limits
    • Historical data from April 2013 to present
    • Custom license

CoinCap API


CoinCap offers real-time pricing and market activity data for 1,000 cryptocurrencies.

Stress Test Results

  • Total Requests: 20 (conducted simultaneously)
  • Successful Responses: 20
  • Failed Responses: 0

Benchmark Test Results

  • Assets Covered: 1000
  • Blockchains Covered: Not specified
  • Response Time: 116 ms

Caching Behavior

  • Caching: Observed, indicating less frequent real-time data updates but better response time.

Pricing Details

Free Tier (No API Key)

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • 200 requests per minute
    • 11 years of historical data

Free Tier (API Key)

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • 500 requests per minute
    • 11 years of historical data


Which crypto API offers the most comprehensive coverage of assets?

  • Mobula API covers the most assets, with a total of 15,573 assets.

Which API provides the best response time under high-load conditions?

  • CoinCap API demonstrated the best response time, at just 116 milliseconds.

Which API covers the most number of blockchains?

  • CoinGecko API covers the highest number of blockchains, with a total of 186.

Which cryptocurrency API is the best choice for accessing wallet data?

  • Mobula API is the best choice for wallet data. It provides curated datasets specifically for builders, including market data, wallet data, and metadata.

Which API is most reliable in terms of successful response rates?

  • Both Mobula and CoinMarketCap APIs showed 100% success rates (20/20) in stress testing, making them highly reliable.

What is the best crypto API for real-time data?

  • Mobula API is the best for real-time data as it shows no caching and provides real-time data.

How to get the net worth of a crypto wallet?

  • Mobula provides an endpoint to fetch the historical net worth of any wallet in USD.
Need a custom solution for your project? Mobula is dedicated to meeting your needs swiftly and ensuring the blockchain data or the endpoint you require is available within 24 hours.

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