How to get trending crypto data?

How to get trending crypto data?

The Get Meta Trendings endpoint is designed to retrieve all transactions for a specified wallet within a given timeframe. It's a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing trends in the blockchain universe. Whether you're a developer, investor, or enthusiast, this endpoint provides valuable insights into the transactional patterns and popularities of various digital assets.

Key Features:

  • Platform-Specific Data: Choose data sources like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, or DexTools to tailor your insights.
  • Comprehensive Trending Scores: Assets are ranked based on popularity and activity, offering a clear picture of what’s trending.
  • Regular Updates: The data is refreshed every 15 minutes, ensuring you have the latest information at your fingertips.

Use Cases:

  1. Market Analysis: For traders and investors seeking to understand market trends and make informed decisions.
  2. Research and Development: Developers can use this data to build more user-centric blockchain applications by understanding popular trends.
  3. Academic Research: Scholars studying blockchain technology can access real-time data for empirical research.

How to use Get Meta Trendings endpoint?

To access trending data:

  1. Use the platform query parameter to filter results by a specific source.
  2. The endpoint returns assets trending on the specified platform. Without specifying a platform, it returns trendings across all supported platforms.

Example Query:

curl --request GET \
--url ''

Understanding the Response:

  • The response includes detailed information about each asset, such as contract addresses, blockchain specifics, and their trending score.
  • Logos and symbols help easily identify assets.
  • The data object array is structured to provide clarity and ease of analysis.

CoinMarketCap is one of the most reputable sources for cryptocurrency data. To retrieve trending crypto data specific to CoinMarketCap using Mobula's Get Meta Trendings endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Set the Query Parameter: Use 'CoinMarketCap' as the value for the platform query parameter.
  2. Send the GET Request: Initiate a GET request to the endpoint with the specified query parameter.

Example Query:

curl --request GET \
--url ''

Understanding the Response:

  • The response includes details like the asset's name, symbol, contract addresses, and trending score.
  • You will also get links to asset logos and information about the asset's rank and weight on CoinMarketCap.

CoinGecko offers a comprehensive view of the crypto market. To access trending data from CoinGecko via Mobula's Get Meta Trendings endpoint, follow these instructions:

  1. Specify the Platform: Input 'CoinGecko' as the platform query parameter.
  2. Execute the GET Request: Make a GET request to the endpoint, including the query parameter.

Example Query:

curl --request GET \
--url ''

Understanding the Response:

  • You'll receive a comprehensive list of trending cryptocurrencies on CoinGecko.
  • The data includes each asset's name, symbol, contracts, and detailed scoring metrics.

DexTools is known for its real-time data on decentralized exchanges. Accessing trending crypto data from DexTools through Mobula's Get Meta Trendings is straightforward:

  1. Choose the Platform: Set 'DexTools' as the value for the platform query parameter.
  2. Initiate the GET Request: Forward a GET request to the endpoint, ensuring the correct platform is specified.

Example Query:

curl --request GET \
--url ''

Understanding the Response:

  • The endpoint returns an array of data specific to DexTools' trending cryptocurrencies.
  • Each entry in the response includes the asset's name, symbol, relevant contract information, and its trending status on DexTools.

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